Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!

Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

Umbrella Insurance: Protecting You On The Rainiest Of Days

13 February 2018
Insurance, Blog

Many people, especially those who live in areas where it doesn't rain that often, don't even consider the purchase of an umbrella. Believing it will just take up space and not be worth the investment just to discover that they don't have the protection that they need on the rainiest of days. The same can be said of the purchase of umbrella insurance. Not even considering the purchase of umbrella insurance is the same as not having an umbrella on a really rainy day.
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What A Homeowners Insurance Policy Can Cover

8 January 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

A house is an investment that can last for many years after it is purchased, or can end up being wasted money in no time. For instance, you can lose the entire investment if a bad storm passes through your area and destroys the house. There are actually numerous types of unexpected disasters that can destroy a house. If you want to be prepared for the unexpected, it is wise to cover your home with insurance.
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4 Things To Know About Buying Auto Insurance After A DUI

15 November 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Being convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) can cause a lot of problems for you, such as fines, court-mandated alcohol education classes, having to install a device interlock in your vehicle, and possibly jail time. After you have fulfilled the terms of your sentence, you will eventually be able to legally drive again. But it is not as easy as just jumping in your car and driving to where you need to go.
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Five Things A Vehicle Owner Needs To Be Aware Of After A Total Loss

3 October 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Dealing with a total loss after an accident can be a stressful experience. However, it could end up being good for you depending on the coverage you have on your vehicle and the value of your vehicle. You should be aware of the following five things if you're a vehicle owner who has just been through an accident that results in significant damage: You're only going to be compensated for a total loss if you have collision coverage as part of your auto insurance policy.
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3 Things To Know About Taking Out Multiple Construction Bonds

25 August 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Most large projects require bonds to back up your work. When your business starts to do really well and bid on more contracts, you need to be able to handle all the bond requests. As a contractor, you are going to eventually hit a construction bond limit or construction bond capacity. #1 Construction Bonding Capacity This limit on the value of a bond you can get for a single project and there is also a limit on the total number of bonds you can carry at one time.
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About Me
Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!
