
While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!


Workers’ Comp And The Issues To Watch Out For

23 September 2019
Insurance, Blog

Job-related injuries are painful, and in many cases, surprising. You might not have expected to be hurt, and now that you're dealing with recovery at the same time you're trying to juggle your bills, the experience could be overwhelming. On top of life challenges, having to find out about workers' compensation insurance could seem like too much. Mistakes like the following could arise. 1. Missing Deadlines Distracted by financial challenges and injuries, you might not start the paperwork for your workers' comp claims right away.
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Have You Checked Your Auto Insurance Coverage Lately? Why You Should, And How To Increase Coverage

15 August 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

A lot of people dislike paying auto insurance premiums. They want to put it out of their heads, or not pay it at all. However, many states are now making car insurance mandatory. If you are caught driving in these states without insurance, you could be fined, and those fines are sometimes more expensive than paying insurance premiums. If you have insurance, now is a good time to check your coverage, too.
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Umbrella Insurance Options

10 July 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Modern life is predicated on insurance. Your homes, cars, expensive weekend toys, and body are all insured to prevent an accident from ruining you financially. However, in some cases, basic liability insurance might not provide sufficient protection. Here are a few reasons why you might consider adding an umbrella insurance policy. If You Own Rental Properties Investing in rental properties can deliver sizable returns. However, a rental property can also expose you to liabilities that extend beyond those covered in standard policies.
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Tips For Shopping For Your Next Insurance Policy

3 June 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Insurance is essential for minimizing the various financial liabilities that you may face. However, insurance is a complicated topic, and individuals will often fail to be as prepared as possible when they are making decisions about the policies to purchase. Identify The Threats You Need To Mitigate Before you can make an informed decision regarding a potential insurance policy, you will need to have a thorough understanding of the various threats that you will need to address.
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4 Ways For Students To Save Money On Auto Insurance

26 April 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Auto insurance isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. In fact, nearly every state in the country requires that drivers have some kind of auto insurance coverage. But when you're a college student, struggling to even find enough change in your couch to buy a hot dog, auto insurance can seem like a huge financial burden. Let's face it. School is expensive and money is usually tight. Fortunately, there are steps you can take as a student to lower your auto insurance rates.
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About Me
Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!
