Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!

Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

Liability Insurance Coverage for a Vehicle

8 July 2021
Insurance, Blog

Auto insurance is something that many people try to avoid paying when they are living from paycheck to paycheck. The problem with not having auto insurance coverage is that it can get you into deep legal trouble, such as possible jail time depending on certain state laws. The reason is that there are penalties for driving without insurance coverage in most states, and some of them are more severe than others.
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Finding Lower Car Insurance Premiums For Senior Citizens

15 June 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When men and women reach their senior years, they may discover their car insurance rates going up for no apparent reason. That's because some insurance companies automatically raise premiums for policyholders in this group. On average, seniors are at greater risk of being in vehicle collisions than they were during middle age. These individuals may want to shop for better rates, especially if they have an excellent driving record. Age Considerations
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3 Vital Things To Know About Renter’s Insurance

6 May 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Renter's insurance is an insurance product you can purchase if you rent a place to live. You can get a policy if you rent an apartment or a house. You might even be able to get renter's insurance if you rent a room from someone. Renter's insurance is not a legal requirement, but it is an important thing to have. Here are three vital things to understand about renter's insurance if you are renting a place to live.
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Should You Add Roadside Assistance To Your Car Insurance Policy?

8 April 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When you purchase an auto insurance policy, you get to customize the plan to suit your needs and risks. As a result, you can add the coverage you want to have with your plan. As you think about your options, you might wonder about adding roadside assistance. What is roadside assistance, and is this a coverage option that you need? Adding it to your car insurance plan is often a great idea.
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4 Important Car Insurance Terms You Should Know When Reviewing An Auto Quote

5 March 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When you get an auto insurance quote, it is essential to understand the industry-specific language contained within the quote. This will help you better understand the offer in front of you. #1: Premium When it comes to an insurance quote, the premium is the amount you pay every six months for your insurance coverage. Generally, the premium is given as a full six-month amount for car insurance, and you have the option to pay the premium in monthly installments if you want.
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About Me
Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!
