
While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!


How To Set The Right Deductible For Your Car Insurance Policy

27 June 2022
Insurance, Blog

The deductible is the portion of the cost an insured driver has to pay if the policy provider approves their car insurance claim. If you have a $500 deductible and a $2,000 incident, for example, the insurer would pay $1,500 and you'd be on the hook for the remaining $500. Generally, a lower deductible means a higher premium, which is the amount you'll pay each month for the policy. What is the right deductible for your policy?
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Deciding When To Go Through Insurance Claims Adjustments

31 March 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The insurance claim adjustment process provides many benefits when handled properly and can help transform a person's insurance in many ways. However, going through these steps should only be done when an individual is prepared for the unique challenges this process presents. There are specific situations in which it is best to start this process and when it is best to avoid it. When to Get an Insurance Claims Adjustment
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Why You Should Pay For Your Entire Auto Insurance Term At Once

31 March 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When purchasing car insurance, you typically have the option to pay for your car insurance monthly or to pay for your entire insurance term at one time. Your car insurance term might be for six months or a year, depending on your insurance company and the specific policy that you purchase. It might seem ideal to simply make monthly payments on your car insurance instead of paying a lump sum at one time.
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Looking Beyond Your Premium When Choosing An Auto Insurance Provider

25 February 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When looking for a new job, chances are you look at the benefits package that comes along with that job and not just the salary. It is important to take this same approach when choosing an auto insurance provider. After all, while the cost of your policy is an important factor to consider, additional benefits offered by the company can ultimately save you a ton of money in the long run.
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Property Value Increases Vs. Homeowners Insurance

17 January 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

For many homeowners, it is normal for the value of their home to increase with time. When property values increase, there is often a great deal of focus on the increase in resale value, the likelihood of an increase in profits, and some people even rush to also increase the coverage on their homeowner insurance policy. However, this last step may or may not be necessary. If the property value of your home has increased significantly, learn more about whether it is time to review your policy coverage.
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About Me
Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!
