
While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!


Don’t Share These Three Things Online If You Don’t Want To Be A Target For Thieves

15 June 2017
Insurance, Blog

Social media may be one of the best technological advances of recent times for most people, but it can make you a target for thieves if you aren't careful. For example, sharing these three things can encourage thieves to break into your home: Your Vacation Plans You should never share your vacation plans because thieves may use them to target your house. Imagine broadcasting that you are going on a vacation, where you are going, how long the vacation will take and who you are going with.
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What To Look For When Choosing A Public Insurance Adjuster

13 June 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

It is possible that your home or perhaps your business might get damaged or destroyed in a fire or by other means. You will want to file an insurance claim to get what you are owed and this process can take a long time. When you hire a public adjuster, they will represent you and ensure you will get what you are owed. What should you look for when choosing a public insurance adjuster?
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The Effects Of Your Mileage Levels On Car Insurance

25 May 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

There are so many different factors that can affect the amount you pay for your car insurance, but did you realize that your mileage is one of these? The number of miles you drive annually can affect your car insurance rates, and here are a few important things you may want to know about this. Why your mileage matters to insurance companies You may be wondering why insurance companies care about mileage, and there is a good reason for this.
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What To Know About Auto Accidents And Insurance Rate Increases

25 May 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

A car insurance provider has the right to raise your insurance premium after you've been in a car accident and make a claim. You may not be aware that this rate increase is decided by a formula that each insurance provider has made, and your premium increase is automatically decided by a computer. Drivers that get into accidents are a higher risk, so this should make some sense to you. That's why it is important to understand what triggers rate increases and how to minimize your new premium increase.
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3 Tips To Consider When Your Loved One Wants To Get Or Renew Their Driver’s License And Auto Insurance After A Stroke

25 May 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If a parent or someone else that you care for recently had a stroke, it's important to be aware that his or her legal right to drive and existing car insurance policy might be negatively impacted by that event. In many instances, their neurologist, primary care physician or health care provider may have contacted the state about their stroke, which will often result in an immediate suspension of driving privileges. Whether or not their license is suspended, it's still possible that their insurance policy might have been canceled.
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About Me
Choosing the Right Insurance Policy Made Simple

While choosing the right insurance policies throughout our lives, especially health, home, and automobile insurance, is a very important task, making those choices can be very difficult. For that reason, I decided to start a blog to help others learn how insurance policies can differ and which features and options make one policy a better choice than another during a specific life circumstance and/or when insuring a specific person or item. I first started dedicating myself to learning more about insurance policies when I was in an auto accident and learned that the auto insurance coverage I had chosen was going to leave me in a financial hardship; I had chosen very high deductibles and regretted it. I had to learn how to make good policy decisions the hard way, but I am dedicated to helping others make the right choices before a difficult situation pops up!
